Gazak Brown, P.S.C. primarily defends doctors and other health care professionals against claims of medical malpractice. We have extensive courtroom experience. We are skilled in the art and procedure of discovery and trial and in the mastery of complex medical and scientific issues that frame a successful defense. We are qualified to handle your medical malpractice litigation needs.
Our lawyers utilize well-honed skills when representing medical provider clients, drawing upon years of devotion to this limited area of legal practice. We have handled many medical malpractice claims, including those involving:
Mastering medical facts builds successful defenses in medical litigation. David Bryan Gazak holds a doctorate degree in pharmacology and toxicology. James E. Smith was formerly a practicing critical care nurse at the VA Medical Center. Our law firm prides itself in fluency in the underlying medical facts that are the basis of both the claims at issue and the scientific and medical defenses built thereon. Our relationships with medical experts around the nation and knowledge of definitive medical literature are invaluable resources we use when fashioning defenses.
Our attorneys support their clients in every aspect of litigation, from initially answering the complaint to the final conclusion of the case, be it procedural dismissal, mediation, or trial. We are a continual sounding board of support, advice, direction, and reassurance in the arduous and sometimes emotional journey that is the lifespan of a medical malpractice lawsuit. The depth of impact such lawsuits have upon the professional medical care provider is not lost on us, and we lend whatever aspects of support are necessary and helpful at every step along the way.
We offer personal representation and represent many professionals in matters tangential to underlying medical litigation. Hospital credentialing, State Licensure Board issues and professional liability insurance advice exemplify such ancillary services.
We understand the critical nature of medical malpractice litigation. To learn more about what we can do to help, contact the attorneys of Gazak Brown, P.S.C., as soon as possible.